Hello all.
I have been noticing that some members have not been completing gang tasks on a regular basis. This is a reminder to please, please remember to do them because this helps our gangs activity and our funds. Also, I am seeing that there are some lower level players that are not appearing to level up. i know it’s not easy to do so, but I am asking all lower level players to please make the effort to level up your characters since that will make you stronger and the gang as a whole stronger. If you have no intentions of leveling up at this time, I would ask that you use your gang contributions to get whatever potions you need and tallent points you need and look for a less active gang in which to place your character. I don’t mean to be harsh, but in order to compete and to also proceed to level 5 this is what has to be done. Thanks, and happy gaming.
Category: general
round1 gang tournament Nov13
Hello Friends.
Please don’t forget that we have the first round of the gang tournament later today at 20:00. We can have up to a maximum of 16 members participate, so please join us if you are able to do so. Thank you.
Halloween is event.
Hi everyone,
The hunting map for this event is one that will give rankings for our gang, so please team up with your gangmates when you go in. Let’s have fun with this while getting things we all need.
Thanks, and see you in the map. 🙂
Hello Friends.
We have decided to change things concerning our missions. for the time being, the missions that are available for us will be Missing Child, Bandit Rescue, Supply Delivery, and Evil Summoning. Those of you who may not have as many gang contributions and gang points as you’d like may wish to consider doing the lower level missions because they offer much more in terms of the points and arnebia you want. This change was also made because we know that some of you, like myself, enjoy competing in arenas, and this will put you much closer to GRC. We’ll try this out for a while and see how things go. Keep up the good work.
Hi everyone!
You are all cordially invited to attend the wedding of Vader’s OrionStar and my own Valhallarama today at 17:00 gametime. We hope you will be able to come celebrate with us because in reality, it’s our eighteenth weding anniversary. 🙂 Having you as part of the festivities would make us very happy. We hope to see you there. 🙂
auctions notice
Hi everyone!
I have decided that to help encourage you all to complete your gang tasks every day, I will start holding an auction on the first Saturday of every month at 16:00 UTC gametime. The first one will be in May2024.
There will be all sorts of nice things to bid on from gems to food, potions, and gear, so work on building your gang points so you can bid.
The other reason to complete gang tasks is that you help us grow. As we grow stronger, we move further up the ranks. 🙂 Let’s show everyone that we are proud of our gang!
Stay awesome, and as always, happy gaming.
level4 upgrade!
Hello friends.
It is with great excitement that I ca-n now announce that we’ve officially begun the upgrade to level 4. You’ll see the construction for it when in the gang’s inner hall.
Thanks for all you have done to get us this far. Keep up the good work.
For the Empire!
random words of wisdom
Immortal Words of widsom from our very own Jadrielle.
Ysaana;Rey wirhwe vwe oe n wlwphnr, Rokie. 🙂
finally upgrading to level2!
Hi everyone! We’ve now begun the process of upgrading to level 2 Status! 🙂 The new construction is near the head of the inner hall. If you have trouble finding it, please let one of us know and we’ll be glad to help you. 🙂 Thank you again for everything you do. We couldn’t have come this far without your care, dedication, and hard work. You are awesome! 🙂
thanks and appreciation
I just want to say thank you to every single one of you for all the awesome work you have done. I am proud and honored to know you all and to be your leader! 🙂 Thanks again for your continued dedication and hard work. 🙂