round2 gang tournament Nov8

Hello friends.
This is just to remind you that we will be entering for round two of the gang tournament later today at 20:00. We can have up to a maximum of 16 people enter, so please join us if you are able. Jadrielle and I will be forming the two teams about 30 minutes before the start of the event. We hope to see you there. Thanks.

gang tournament nov6

Hi Friends. Please don’t forget that we have the first round of the gang tournament today at 20:00. Please be there if you can because we needs as many people to participate as we can possibly get. We can have up to 16 people enter. We’ll be meeting near the gang tournament messenger in GRC about a half hour before the tournament begins to get everyone organized. Thanks.


Hello Imperial family. Next week, we are planning to start participating in gang tournaments to help us get more growth for the gang. We encourage everyone who is interested to start practicing in and becoming familiar with the tournament map. If you need help with this, please let LordVader or me know. Gang tournament days are Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, and start at 20:00 gametime. We hope that you will all do your best to help us grow. Thanks, and happy gaming. 🙂