Reminders and actions to take.

Hello all.
I have been noticing that some members have not been completing gang tasks on a regular basis. This is a reminder to please, please remember to do them because this helps our gangs activity and our funds. Also, I am seeing that there are some lower level players that are not appearing to level up. i know it’s not easy to do so, but I am asking all lower level players to please make the effort to level up your characters since that will make you stronger and the gang as a whole stronger. If you have no intentions of leveling up at this time, I would ask that you use your gang contributions to get whatever potions you need and tallent points you need and look for a less active gang in which to place your character. I don’t mean to be harsh, but in order to compete and to also proceed to level 5 this is what has to be done. Thanks, and happy gaming.