Hi everyone. Whenever you see Hillamir, please wish her a happy birthday. She just turned sixteen. 🙂
Category: Uncategorized
Preserving this for hilarity reasons.
visperian;play with the nether enough and she’ll let you into her deamon cave and leave you so happy you will die and turn into a raith
Hi everyone!
You are all cordially invited to attend the wedding of Vader’s OrionStar and my own Valhallarama today at 17:00 gametime. We hope you will be able to come celebrate with us because in reality, it’s our eighteenth weding anniversary. 🙂 Having you as part of the festivities would make us very happy. We hope to see you there. 🙂
random words of wisdom
Immortal Words of widsom from our very own Jadrielle.
Ysaana;Rey wirhwe vwe oe n wlwphnr, Rokie. 🙂